Sheriff Dale J. Wagner | Adams County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Dale J. Wagner | Adams County Sheriff's Office
The Adams County Sheriff’s Posse held an appreciation dinner for it members. The event was held at the Othello Golf Club. Great food, great company.
Posse President Anthony Daily presented.
I cannot say enough how grateful I am for this group of volunteers. This group gives of themselves in so many ways to assist the Sheriff’s Office as well and our community.
I had the great opportunity tonight to award Posse member Juli Maine for her exceptional service to our community. Juli is always ready and willing to assist anyway she is able and does a great job.
Juli was awarded the Sheriff Belt Buckle award for her outstanding volunteer service.
Thank you Juli!!
If you are interested in becoming part of this awesome volunteer group and have a desire to serve our community, please contact the Sheriff’s office and we will get you in touch with them.
Thank you, Sheriff Wagner
Original source can be found here